Who is Kelly Gorham?

✨ Therapist

✨ Master Coach

✨ Transformative Speaker

Who Am I?

I am a change instigator, advocate, therapist, woman of faith, wife, mother, daugther, sister, singer, and life long learner!

Over a decade ago I took a journey to unearth my life’s purpose and I found that, at my core, I am called to exhort and empower individuals as they strive to reach their highest potential.

As a Clinical Mental Health Counselor I have supported clients in both in-patient and outpatient settings to navigate their mental and emotional distress (i.e. PTSD, trauma, depression, anxiety,etc.). Yet, as a Certified Coach Pratitioner,

I have inspired and empowered my clients to improve their wellbeing and restore their resilience. In it’s simpliest form, I am here to help others reach their highest potential!

Why Am I Here?

My purpose is to encourage and empower individuals who are struggling under the weight of their life’s circumstances or upset by their mental and emotional stressors.

I am here to guide clients through a process where they can accurately identify their skills, deficiencies, and engage restorative resources.

Honestly, I partner with clients and help them to cultivate a plan they can use to alleviate their distress and strengthen them so that they can become more resilient when future challenges arise.

What Motivates Me?

The word ASA (pronounced “Ay-Sah”) means healer. This word embodies the essence of who I am at my core, one who facilitates “healing”. This name was given to me many years ago by my best friend, Tiffany Harmon. Tiff literally walked with me through each milestone of my life from puberty to parenthood!

She knew me well. Tiff is the inspiration behind me going to school to pursue my Masters degree in Counseling and then becoming a Licensed Professional Counselor. Even back then, Tiff recognized my “healing gifts” and their impact upon those I encountered Without question, my passion is to facilitate healing to those in crisis or distress.